Stephen Harper is a sneaky boss man politician who thinks oil is the nectar of the gods   Leave a comment


Stephen Harper to seek prorogation of Parliament




Prime Minister Stephen Harper has confirmed he will ask the Governor General to prorogue Parliament until October, when his Conservative government will introduce the next speech from the throne.

“There will be a new throne speech in the fall, obviously the House will be prorogued in anticipation of that. We will come back — in October is our tentative timing,” Harper told reporters in Whitehorse Monday. Harper is in the Yukon on the second day of his annual summer tour of the North.

This underhanded SOB prorogues Parliament every time his government faces hot button issues. By the way prorogue means delay, postpone etc.  All the negative rumble caused by the Senator spending misbehaviour (Pam Wallin, Mike Puffy Duffy) has the media foaming at the mouth.  To apply the brakes on these issues and misdirect attention Harper won’t convene Parliament until October.  This way the media, which has the attention span of a weasel on a double espresso, will focus on something else and Harper will have put out the fire. 

He will then get back to his crusade of raping Canada of every molecule of resources within its boundaries. Harper is so obsessed with natural resource extraction and exports that he has paintings in his home of open pit mines and sludge craters.  It is rumoured that he has renamed his pet cats Fracking and Drillbit.  Harper is so enamoured with the Tar Sands that he bought his young son a miniature Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Extractor that the kid plays with in his sandbox that has been filled with crushed black sandstone.




Here is the legacy the Tar Sands will leave in their wake:

Petroleum coke (often abbreviated Pet coke or petcoke) is a carbonaceous solid derived from oil refinery coker units or other cracking processes.

Petroleum coke may be stored in a pile near an oil refinery pending sale. One example, as of 2013, was the large stockpile owned by Koch Carbon near the Detroit River which was produced by a Marathon Petroleum refinery in Detroit which began refining bitumen from the oil sands of Alberta in November, 2012. Large stockpiles of petcoke also existed in Canada as of 2013. China and Mexico were markets for petcoke exported from California to be used as fuel. As of 2013 the EPA was declining permits to use petcoke as fuel in the United States but markets existed in India and Latin America where it was used to fuel cement manufacture. As of 2013 Oxbow Corporation, owned by William I. Koch, was a major dealer in petcoke, selling 11 million tons annually.


The Detroit piles

The human cost of Detroit's petroleum coke

As if Detroit isn’t ugly enough already!

The human cost of Detroit's petroleum coke


tar sands

Posted August 21, 2013 by markosun in Uncategorized

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