Horndog Mayor Resigns   Leave a comment

(CNN) — San Diego Mayor Bob Filner is resigning in the face of a torrent of sexual harassment claims — though he’s not going out quietly.

City Attorney Jan Goldsmith announced around 3:45 p.m. (6:45 p.m. ET) that the City Council, during a closed-door session, had accepted the terms of an agreement with Filner that was reached after three days of mediation talks.

Filner submitted a “signed resignation” that “the city has accepted” in a 7-0 vote by council members, Goldsmith said. That resignation will take effect at 5 p.m. Friday, August 30.

After that vote, Filner spoke at the City Council meeting — his first extensive public comments in weeks — and began by offering a “deep apology … to all the citizens.”

“The city should not have been put through this,” the 70-year-old mayor said. “And my own personal failures were responsible.”

A short time later, though, Filner went on the defensive. While admitting that his behavior toward women was inappropriate at times, he insisted that he “never sexually harassed anyone.”

In the process of “trying to establish personal relationships,” the mayor explained, “the combination of awkwardness and hubris, I think, led to behavior that many found offensive.” He added, “Not one allegation … has ever been independently verified or proven in court.”

“But the hysteria that has been created … is the hysteria of a lynch mob,” Filner said, criticizing an environment in which “rumors become allegations, allegations become facts, facts become evidence of sexual harassment which have led to demands for my resignation and recall.”











Some people are born with super-charged libidos.  Their intellectual side of the brain cannot control the horny animal instincts.

Posted August 24, 2013 by markosun in Uncategorized

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